Early Spring Gardener’s Calendar

This is a busy time in the garden. It may appear overwhelming and impossible to keep up. Make a list of your activities, take your time and enjoy the process. After all, gardening is great exercise, a good excuse to be outside and in the sun, and is a fantastic way to meet the neighbors!


  • Apply slow-release spring fertilizer and organics to lawns and landscape plants. Most will require nitrogen. Citrus trees will need iron.
  • Perfect time to plant fruit and shade trees and shrubs.
  • Deeply water plants under eaves
  • Tend outdoor containers. Repot plants that have outgrown the container. Plant annuals.
  • Check irrigation systems
  • Weed


  • April is perfect time to reseed bare spots.
  • To conserve water, raise the mowing height to 2 1/2 or 3″.
  • Apply grub control, and weed n’ feed to control oxalis and other broadleaf weeds
  • Aerate. Apply top coat of compost


  • March: Prune early flowering shrubs after blooming. This includes camellias, forsythia, witch-hazel and early azaleas.
  • April, prune later blooming shrubs after blooming, such as Spirea, Ribes, lilac and ceanothus.
  • Plant dahlias, gladiolas, cannas, callas, and other summer blooming bulbs at regular intervals to ensure long season bouquets
  • Fertilize roses when leaves appear
  • Plant annuals

Pest Control

When spraying any plant, water it first.

  • Aphids: Spray with insecticidal soaps or using garlic based products
  • Snails: Scatter snail bait to protect new growth on plants. Copper tape around special plants is an effective boundary
  • Yellow Jackets: Hang traps to capture/prevent swarming queens from nesting
  • Apply last application of horticultural oil spray on fruit trees
  • Release ladybugs to eat harmful mites and aphids
  • Spray roses for powdery mildew
  • Prevent fire blight on apples and pear by spraying Bordeaux mixture during bloom time
  • Prevent brown rot of stone fruits by spraying fungicide containing copper during bloom time


  • Potatoes: Plant potatoes, if you haven’t already
  • March: Plant herbs and root crops such as beets, carrots, radishes.
  • March: Plant lettuce and spinach.
  • March/April: When soil temperature is above 60⁰F, plant summer crops.


  • Check plants for pests such as spider mites, aphids, and fungus gnats
  • Transplant if roots are emerging from drainage holes
  • Check overall appearance of plant. If leaning towards the winter, turn it. If becoming burned from window light, move to another location.
  • As temperatures warm, houseplants that overwintered inside may slowly return to their outdoor location.





Carpet Roses


Contact Information Section

Western Garden Nursery

2756 Vineyard Ave.
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Phone: 925-462-1760

Contact Us

Store Hours

Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:00pm
10:00am – 4:30pm

Closed Monday, March 10.

Google Map of Western Garden Nursery