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May & June Gardener’s Calendar

This spring, enjoy being outside and seeing (and eating) the fruits of your labors!


  • Weed, weed, weed.
  • Add organic matter to the soil to improve tilth and water retention.
  • Mulch to reduce watering requirements
  • Control scale on shrubs and fruit trees by spraying all season spray oil.
  • Watch for areas where plants are dry, check the irrigation system for blockages or insufficient spray.


  • Apply lawn fungicide.
  • Apply lawn grub control.
  • Apply broadleaf and Bermuda grass control, if needed.
  • Be sure the blades are sharp on the lawnmower to make a clean cut. Mowing at a higher setting saves water and promotes lawn health.


  • Roses: Continue feeding every two weeks with combination fertilizer and systemic insect control. Remove dead flowers to encourage more blossoms. This also reduces hiding places for earwigs and other insects.
  • Infrequent deep watering of trees and shrubs saves water and encourages deep root growth.
  • Protect Japanese maples from moisture loss during the higher temperatures.


  • If you do not want fruit to form, begin spraying a “fruit eliminator” when the tree is in full bloom.
  • Thin apples and other fruits to ensure larger and tastier fruit.
  • Whitewash fruit tree trunks to prevent splitting.
  • Fertilize citrus trees.
  • Protect fruit from birds by using netting or scare tactics such as hanging reflective tape or owl statues.


  • Slug control time!
  • Hang yellowjacket traps, if needed.
  • Release ladybugs to attack aphids.


  • Transplant purchased vegetable plants for faster harvesting.
  • Watch for pests. Spray oils are effective for most pests.
  • Liquid copper spray on tomatoes discourages pests and fungus.
  • Applying calcium around tomatoes encourages blossom set. If tomatoes still don’t form, ask your garden center about blossom set hormone spray.
  • As temperatures increase, watch for tomato hornworm devastation. Control by handpicking or using products containing Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT), which is effective on many types of caterpillars.


  • Continue to check plants for pests such as spider mites, aphids, and fungus gnats.
  • Transplant if roots are emerging from drainage holes.
  • Continue to check overall appearance of plant. If leaning towards the winter, turn it. If becoming burned from window light, move to another location.
  • Return summer-outside plants to their outdoor locations.

Western Garden Nursery

2756 Vineyard Ave.
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Phone: 925-462-1760

Contact Us

Store Hours

Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:30pm
10:00am – 4:30pm

Closed Thursday, July 4