Ground Covers for Walkways

The durability of some plants is absolutely amazing.  A number of them are so robust that they may even be tread on! These are the plants to choose when filling in the space between pavers, cracks of walkways, patios and steps. Placing plants in the gaps of your hardscape will soften its appearance.  These ground covers will creep and crawl around the stone bringing the garden to your feet and closer for you to enjoy.

There are resilient, low-growing, easy maintenance plants for just about any situation.  Many even have showy flowers.  Before planting, scope out your site.  Take into consideration the amount of sun or shade the plant will receive, the amount of foot traffic the area gets and the size of the space that the plant needs to fill.  Below you will find our list of recommended plants for moderate to heavy foot traffic in both sun and shade. And, to make them even more desirable, all of these selections are drought tolerant. Stop in and speak with a member of our knowledgeable staff.  We can help make your selection easier.

Heavy Foot Traffic

Full – Part Sun

Blue Star Creeper (Isotoma) 12” spread, blue flowers, dark green foliage
Green Carpet Rupturewort (Herniaria) 6” spread, white flowers, dark green foliage
Little Star Creeper (Pratia) 8” spread, blue flowers, light green foliage
Motly Mazus (Mazus) 6” spread, white flowers, bronze foliage
Nana Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla) 12” spread, yellow flowers, dark green foliage
White Star Creeper (Pratia) 8” spread, white flowers, light green foliage
Whitlowwort (Paronychia) 6” spread, white flowers, light green foliage

Part Sun – Part Shade

Irish Moss (Sagia) 12” spread, white flowers, dark green foliage
Miniature Brass Buttons (Leptinella) 4” spread, white flowers, light green foliage
Miniature Moneywort (Lysimachia) 4” spread, yellow flowers, dark green foliage
Scotch Moss (Sagia) 12” spread, white flowers, gold foliage

Moderate Foot Traffic

Full – Part Sun

Alba Stachys (Stachys) 6” spread, white flowers, dark green foliage
Alpine Mouse Ears (Cerastium) 6” spread, white flowers, gray foliage
Archer’s Gold Thyme (Thymus) 8” spread, purple flowers, gold foliage
Baby Tears (Sedum) 8” spread, white flowers, light green foliage
Blue Moneywort (Lindernia) 8” spread, blue flowers, light green foliage
Bressingham Thyme (Thymus) 8” spread, pink flowers, light green foliage
Clumping Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila) 8” spread white-pink flowers, light green foliage
Creeping Lobelia (Lobelia) 8” spread, pink flowers, light green foliage
Double Bird’s Foot Trefoil (Lotus) 12” spread, yellow flowers, light green foliage
Dwarf Stonecrop (Sedum) 8” spread, yellow flowers, light green foliage
Georgia Blue Speedwell (Veronica) 8” spread, blue flowers, bronze foliage
Golden Sunrise Stonecrop (Sedum) 8” spread, white flowers, gold foliage
Heavenly Blue Speedwell (Veronica) 8” spread, blue flowers, dark green foliage
John Creech Stonecrop (Sedum) 4” spread, pink flowers, dark green foliage
Magic Carpet Thyme (Thymus) 8” spread, pink flowers, light green foliage
New Century Speedwell (Veronica) 6” spread, blue flowers, light to dark green foliage
Petite Dianthus (Dianthus) 6” spread, pink flowers, dark gray-green foliage
Pink Creeping Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila) 8” spread, pink flowers, gray foliage
Red Creeping Thyme (Thymus) 8” spread, purple flowers, dark green foliage
Scullcap (Scuttelaria) 8” spread, pink flowers, light green foliage
Silver Carpet (Dymondia) 6” spread, yellow flowers, gray foliage
Variegated Stonecrop (Sedum) 8” spread, yellow-orange flowers, variegated foliage
Wooley Thyme (Thymus) 12” spread, pink flowers, gray foliage

Part Sun – Part Shade

Sand Spurry (Spergularia) 8” spread, pink flowers, light green foliage

closeup of grass blades

close up of sprinkler head


Contact Information Section

Western Garden Nursery

2756 Vineyard Ave.
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Phone: 925-462-1760

Contact Us

Store Hours

Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:00pm
10:00am – 4:30pm

Closed Monday, March 10.

Google Map of Western Garden Nursery