May & June Gardener’s Calendar

This spring, enjoy being outside and seeing (and eating) the fruits of your labors!


  • Weed, weed, weed.
  • Add organic matter to the soil to improve tilth and water retention.
  • Mulch to reduce watering requirements
  • Control scale on shrubs and fruit trees by spraying all season spray oil.
  • Watch for areas where plants are dry, check the irrigation system for blockages or insufficient spray.


  • Apply lawn fungicide.
  • Apply lawn grub control.
  • Apply broadleaf and Bermuda grass control, if needed.
  • Be sure the blades are sharp on the lawnmower to make a clean cut. Mowing at a higher setting saves water and promotes lawn health.


  • Roses: Continue feeding every two weeks with combination fertilizer and systemic insect control. Remove dead flowers to encourage more blossoms. This also reduces hiding places for earwigs and other insects.
  • Infrequent deep watering of trees and shrubs saves water and encourages deep root growth.
  • Protect Japanese maples from moisture loss during the higher temperatures.

Fruit Trees

  • If you do not want fruit to form, begin spraying a “fruit eliminator” when the tree is in full bloom.
  • Thin apples and other fruits to ensure larger and tastier fruit.
  • Whitewash fruit tree trunks to prevent splitting.
  • Fertilize citrus trees.
  • Protect fruit from birds by using netting or scare tactics such as hanging reflective tape or owl statues.

Pest Control

  • Slug control time!
  • Hang yellowjacket traps, if needed.
  • Release ladybugs to attack aphids.


  • Transplant purchased vegetable plants for faster harvesting.
  • Watch for pests. Spray oils are effective for most pests.
  • Liquid copper spray on tomatoes discourages pests and fungus.
  • Applying calcium around tomatoes encourages blossom set. If tomatoes still don’t form, ask your garden center about blossom set hormone spray.
  • As temperatures increase, watch for tomato hornworm devastation. Control by handpicking or using products containing Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT), which is effective on many types of caterpillars.


  • Continue to check plants for pests such as spider mites, aphids, and fungus gnats.
  • Transplant if roots are emerging from drainage holes.
  • Continue to check overall appearance of plant. If leaning towards the winter, turn it. If becoming burned from window light, move to another location.
  • Return summer-outside plants to their outdoor locations.

cutting branch

young girl picking fresh strawberries

planting a tree

sprinklers watering lawn

close up of multicolor bell peppers

organic rose and flower food

close up of pretty multicolor bird

Contact Information Section

Western Garden Nursery

2756 Vineyard Ave.
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Phone: 925-462-1760

Contact Us

Store Hours

Monday – Saturday
9:00am – 5:00pm
10:00am – 4:30pm

Closed Monday, March 10.

Google Map of Western Garden Nursery